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It was with some interest yesterday that I heard Nigel Farage announce on Twitter that his UK bank accounts had been closed. In case you've awoken from a 100 year slumber and don't know who he is, he was a key Brexit advocate and former leader of UKIP (no, not UKP, which is UK Punting, but UKIP, the UK Independence Party). According to our Nigel, the reason for this closure is because of "serious political persecution at the very highest level of our system", which I guess means that he thinks someone doesn't like him. I have no idea why he has that idea, as at least 51.9% of the population would probably have shared a pint with him a few years ago (if not share a seat on an airplane with him, according to this foxy OnlyFans model).



In addition, he complained that he was given "no explanation or recourse" as to why this had happened, leaving him in a state of limbo. Now, if you believe in deep state conspiracies, then you may be inclined to think that Nigel Farage is yet again a victim of the establishment. As such, "they" are out to get him for being the Messiah the naughty boy of British politics, who has done no wrong in standing up for our rights. Since "they" have no way of kicking a man of the people out of the country, they're doing the next best thing by inconveniencing his life and stopping him from paying for his online shopping or getting his pension from the EU. Alternatively, if you are protected by Parliamentary privilege like Chris Bryant MP, then you may think the bank closure is justified if linked in some way to receiving half a million quid from the malodorous Russia Today TV station. Should such an allegation be true, then it is perhaps not surprising that UK banks would be queasy about dealing with an individual who is happy to shill for the propaganda arm of a fascist foreign government, especially one whose activities would make their KYC alarmbells tingle.


Now, while I have no wish to bring politicial stuff to this site, I did find it bizarre that this bank closure happened just weeks after posting a piece on how sex workers are coping with the closure of their bank accounts. It just goes to show that such restrictions don't apply just to "the little people", but can also be used to go after well-known individuals with power or influence. That said, I was amazed at how some media individuals rushed to Nigel Farage's defence over what happened - their hypocrisy stinks, as they kept silent when it happened to people whose interests they didn't like, be it escorts or OnlyFans models, but now that one of their own is affected, they realise that they could be next, so now they are raising public awareness of this issue.


Still, I guess every cloud has a silver lining. For years, Nigel Farage has been a major fan of cryptocurrency, appearing in loads of clips advocating the merits of Bitcoin, such as this one, this one, this one, or even this one. Should it be impossible for him to get a UK bank account, then maybe now would be a great opportunity for Farage to demonstrate to everyone just how fantastic crypto is as an alternative to traditional banking products. Hell, even though he doesn't have an OnlyFans account (yet!), maybe he'll use bitcoin to take payment when appearing with his fellow content creators on Cameo.


Anyway, may yours be a good weekend blessed with schadenfreude.

This is just a short update to say that we have now placed a new series of photos on the profile page for Mia, which we think you will seriously enjoy. Not only have we had more time to take them, but we also think that she is getting more comfortable having them done too, which means they are getting a bit more spicy.


There is also a link to her Twitter account there, which will hopefully put paid to the one question she keeps getting asked - does she really speak Arabic, or is she blagging it? It sounds Greek to me, but then so did Patrice when chatting on the phone to some of her friends. Anyway, take a look at her pinned tweet, then decide for yourself, while enjoying her spicy ass pics!


No other news worth mentioning this week, except to say that we hope to have a new lady called Amber in on Monday (fingers crossed).


In the past week, I came across a piece of news in the financial press which led me to think about how changes in the escort industry often reflect changes in the wider world. In brief, what happened is that a firm known as Diebold Nixdorf declared bankruptcy, stating that it was about $2 billion in debt. Now, in case the name is not familiar, what they make definitely will be: they are the largest manufacturer in the world of automatic teller machines, holding 32% of the global market share in this line of business. That sounds impressive, but iecently, their business model has plummeted, as they have sold significantly fewer cash dispensers, given that people have moved to alternative payment methods which rely less on the need for physical cash notes.


I found this interesting, as one of the things I've noticed has been the way escort bookings have been paid for has changed significantly over time. Traditionally, escorting has been a strictly cash business, where you pay your money, and in return, a lady lets you have her honey. Sure, there have been times where bartering of services would take place, or where payment in goods would occur (as happened with the reallife Texas Chicken Ranch, satirised by ZZ Top and Dolly Parton, with clients could bring in birds of one kind in return for naughty favours from birds of another kind). However, as a general rule, cash has been king for a long time; almost as long as prostitution itself has been known as the oldest profession.


In the past two decades though, there have been a number of gradual shifts in payment methods, leading to changes in behaviour and opportunities for all parties involved. First, some massage parlours started taking card payments, with even extinct venues like Sandys Superstars and World Famous Babes accepting credit and debit cards about 20 years ago. From a client point of view, this made them great places to visit, as now they had somewhere to collect frequent flyer miles and put their meets down as a business expense.


However, from a business point of view, they were even more attractive, due to a reason that is never mentioned. This was because now, with cards, clients had a quick and easy way to extend their bookings without having to nip out for money once their cash had run out. The net effect was that what was originally a 30 minute meet with Miss Whiplash could now be turned into a multiple hour appointment with Miss Whiplash and her pals in the VIP room for as long as the card funds allowed (or until the credit limit was maxed). While it doesn't take the brains of a giraffe, or man, to figure out that this was problematic when it came to money management, there was nothing to stop some individuals from getting hooked on hookers, which is what definitely happened.


That said, few establishments or individuals accepted cards due to the risks involved, with the biggest exception being findom ladies, who have rather efficiently suckered men into being cashpigs via ATM "cashmeets". Instead, what we have seen is a greater acceptance of alternate non-cash payments, hastened by the greater need for contactless payments during the Covid epidemic; increased acceptance of mobile phone apps, and the coming of many new fintech firms operating as online processors and virtual banks.


Because of this, new ways of engaging in sexwork have developed, some of which are improvements on old methods, while others are totally new. For example, previously, payments occured on the day of the meet, as that was when the client would meet a lady and give her a pretty envelope with dough. Now though, it is possible to pay deposits prior to an appointment, which has made it increasingly possible to meet a whole new selection of ladies, either locally or through the tours and FMTYs which are becoming commonplace. This is largely since ladies now have a greater degree of confidence that a client is genuine when he covers at least some of their fee in advance than would have happened in the past. Similarly, we are now witnessing the development of a whole new online genre of sexworker, in the guise of the online findom brats, who generally collect tributes without ever meeting their "clients", or simps, in person.[Y}


Regardless of how you look at it, the overall effect has been a gradual decline in the flow of physical cash in the adult industry, just like see occuring in the wider world. The effect of this change has been widespread, ranging from the mundane, such as handbags and wallets shrinking in size, right through to the significant, such as entire towns losing all of their bank branches, adversely impacting community life.


Now, it appears that we are reaching yet another inflection point when it comes to cashless payments for adult services, with the arrival of a new kid on the block in the guise of cryptocurrency. In case you have heard of cryptocurrencies but don't know what they are, they are effectively digital currencies where all transactions are recorded on an online register in a realtime basis by a digital database using cryptography. It sounds fancy, but means there are millions of computers globally, burning electricity on a massive scale, to run this system, doing calculations nonstop to keep these registers of transactions up to date.


Along with its speed, transparency and relatively lower transaction costs, advocates claim that such a system is fantastic, as it means crypto operates outside of the authority of the government and central banks. In doing so, this reflects the "true" value of money without state manipulation, via measurres such as interest rates and quantitative easing. There are loads of different cryptocurrencies on the market, each with different values, of which the best known is Bitcoin, so to make things easier, we'll refer to all crypto-dough as being bitcoin.


Crypto has been around for a decade now, and has been a bit of a rollercoaster in terms of valuations, but what is clear is that ever more providers of adult services and goods are now happy to accept crypto. From escorting and femdom, through to advertising and toy sales, sellers are clearly stating that they are happy to deal in crypto. In part, this is just standard business practice, going with the flow of what competing retailers do in the wider world of commerce. However, in other aspects, it is more profound than the earlier step of going cashless, by avoiding the concept of cash entirely. This is since crypto now offers a way for marginalised sellers in the adult industry to circumvent the stranglehold that the banking sector has been increasingly applying to it in recent years.


In brief, high street banks have increasingly questioned the manner in which providers of adult services earn their funds, for reasons which are good and bad. From a legal point of view, this is problematic in a country like England, where the legal position is there is nothing written down to prevent a woman from working as a prostitute (or in the wider field of adult entertainment, from being a stripper to an OnlyFans model). Thus, if the job is not illegal, you would expect a woman could go about her job, earn money, and then rightfully deposit it at her local bank, safe in the knowledge that it is an acceptable economic activity which does not need to be questioned.


However, this is not quite the case, as financial institutions can, and will, be queasy when it comes to how these funds are obtained. In part, this is within their remit to ask questions of interest, as they have a legal obligation imposed on them under their banking licenses to engage in what is referred to as "know your client" dilligence. Thus, when working girls go onto sites to complain about a bank teller asking where their cash came from, all the bank is doing is covering its ass like it it entitled to do (although they often turn a hypocritical blind eye when significantly larger funds are deposited into offshore accounts from dodgy oligarchs, sanctioned governments and fake companies which are clearly up to no good).


However, in the past couple of years, financial institutions have also acted against sexworker due to moralistic reasons. While this has been most prevalent in the USA, it has occured in the UK too, with sexworkers not only losing access to banking facilitites, but also having their funds frozen for substantial periods of time. The most egregious example of this though is from Mastercard, one of the two big credit card processors in the world. Soom after the Republican government in the USA passed FOSTA-SESTA, ostensibly to curb exploitation online, Mastercard went one step by introducing a new policy which effectively barred a wide range of adult transactions from being undertaken unless subject to types of review which could be both time-consuming and costly. In the UK, the most noticeable impact has been on AdultWork, where ladies now have to jump through more hurdles than they did before to something even as basic as posting a new photo on that platform (although other advertising sites, such as Vivastreet, just don't give a shit and carry on with business as usual). Despite being derided as being unconstitutional in the USA, the Mastercard restrictions are likely to remain in force here unless the UK government does something about it, which given their habitual dithering, seems unlikely.

Given the lack of effective pushback so far against such restrictions, it only stands to reason that things will get more restrictive in future for sexworkers when it comes to accessing financial services. What happens then is a question of conjecture:, as things could go two way. On one side, we can find ourselves moving even more into the cybermoney world as a way to circumvent Big Banking, with every punt being digital. Alternatively, as seen with the weird revival of vinyl albums in a streaming age, we could go full retro, with paying to meet an escort going back to the paper-based roots it so heavily used to have. No matter what eventually happens, life promises to be interesting regardless of what happens to the mechanics of paying to play.



Finally, we have some decent weeks of summer weather with us. It won't last, it never does, but for now, we may as well enjoy everything that comes with it. To some, the best thing about summer is parking off at the beer garden; to others, it is looking at pretty ladies in sun dresses. To me, the highlight of summer is annoying the neighbours by mowing the lawn while they are settling down for a BBQ. Let's face it, they are going to mess things up anyway, and be forced to order a meal from Deliveroo, so you can say that I am doing them a favour by getting them inside before they are forced to eat a sausage which has been burned to a crisp.


Now on the subject of favours, we have been blessed by Hazel, who has gifted us with a whole load of new photos. Some are cosplay themed pics, while others are of a kinkier nature, going from modeling an awesome figurehugging bodysuit down to wearing a vivid cherry latex dress that is as tight as a glove. There are a number of photos on her profile here, but it goes without saying that if you head over to the AdultWork profile of Hazel, there will be more stuff there eventually. If you are lucky, there may also be a couple of video clips which are more than an eye-opener to this lady's erotic abilities. I can guarantee one thing - whether it is from Greggs or the Oktoberfest, you will NEVER look at a sausage in the same way ever again!