Rejoice, for the news section to the Indigo Nile website returns!
For those new visitors who are probably unfamiliar with the News page, it is simply a section of the site which existed years ago, prior to being removed due to technical issues and time constraints. Inside, it contained a listing of posts for all the updates to our site, enabling you to find out about new ladies, site improvements and general agency news, together with commentary on topics of relevance and interest to the greater Manchester escort world.
Part in-house newspaper, part adult blog, it is like the proverbial A to Z offered by your average massage parlour therapist, promising a lot in the advertising blurb, but delivering very little of genuine value. But hey, you can't complain, as everything which is written here is free, so this is what counts as value-for-money (VFM). If you want quality, you'd have to pay for it by signing up to a subscription to Kindle Unlimited or the London Review of Books.
For this week, the key bit of news is that we hope to have a new lady called Kennedy joining us in the coming weeks. She is a lively blonde escort with a slim figure, who is quite experienced and very well known in the adult industry under a different guise. Pics and basic information are, as always, listed on her profile page.